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Mercurius politicus, Number 189, 19th-26th January 1654 E.727[8]

Arguments in your Letter to the Gentlemen of
Badgenoth: As first, you look upon your Comonwealth
(as you call it) as one firm and fixt Government,
whilst the Lord knows there is at this
instant no such thing in England; that Power wch
was lately called a Parlament, being by the Trustees
again surrendred in Cromwels hands, & now
none knows what Government he will pitch on;
Another ground you goe upon in your Letter,
that this Army now on foot by his Majesties
Command, for his and his long oppressed Peoples
delivery, will soon vanish. It seems the distance
you are at in this remote place, admits
you not right information; you may indeed look
upon this as the Lords work, returning the abused
spirits of all his Majesties Subjects to their
duty to their King and Country; for now most of
all Scotland are in Arms, and many galant English
are already in Arms, and have marched through
the greatest part of England, to joyn with his
Majesties Forces in this Kingdom; besides what
is doing in Ireland, all Christian Princes are arming
against those you now serve, and ere long
will bring a flood of Strangers upon them, if the
Lord doe not bring them to prevent their ruine
by a timely submission to his Majesties just command
I have given you this right view of the
present condition of Affairs, because I have bin
informed of your gallantry, that when you reckon
betwixt God and you alone, and deales impartially
with yourself, you may doe your self
that right to imploy that vertue God hath given
you in the most approven way by him, wherin if
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