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Mercurius politicus, Number 396, 24th-31st December 1657 E.747[19]

General Arendson broke up with his Cavalry on
Saturday last, and took his way into the Marshlands,
upon design to fetch the rest of the monies
appointed for the levies; the effect whereof we
shall know by the next: We have Letters out
of Holstein, that some Regiments commanded out
of Jutland, have taken Sunderbourgh, and put
a strong garrison into the Castle, wherein a great
store, and richest of the goods of the Country
people round about was found, but of the goods
belonging to the Duke an Inventary was made,
and kept safe in the Castle, whereof we shall give
you a more particular account by the next.
From Wismar, Dec. 14.
We are certified out of Frederick. Ode that the
Garrison there doth consist of 3000 men; and being
in a very good posture, is resolved to make an
assault upon the Isle of Funen, as soon as they
shall be recruited and seconded by the English Soldiers,
that are expected. The Colonel who conducted
the dead Corps of the Danish Rixmarshal
Andrew Bille into Funen, as far as Odensea, not
only without ransom, but also adorned with great
pomp and State, is come back again, relating,
that the Danish nobility, with all the high and
inferior Officers of their Army, have exceeding-praised
his Majestie the King of Swedeland and
his Officers, especially his Excellency the
Earle Wrangle his great civilitic and courtesie,
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