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Mercurius politicus, Number 401, 28th January-4th February 1658 E.748[10]

he being in the Church of For far which is between Dundee
and Aberdene in the time of prayer after Sermon about 11
a clock in the Forenoon was stabed with a Durke alias dagger,
in the brest above the right pap, (he having his hat before
his eyes at this deve[unr]on brone Any[unr] Smith a S[unr] [unr]ch man,
who lives within two Males of For far, he pretends to be distracted,
saying upon any serious demand, that Jesus Christ
commanded me so to do. In his pretended prayers in prison
he prayeth the Lord to help the Scoth against the English
Nation, with all saying Where are our Nobles that should assist
us? He says, that I C. commanded him to tell one of our
Officers, that the English ought to march out of Scotland,
and leave their Garisons, [unr] hoped the Quartermasters
wounds are curable.
From Malta Dec. 23.
Our Galliot and men of war being gone to the Levant, upon
a great designe, and afterward being by Tempests tossed
up and down, and driven in at Messina, are returned hither,
They were Forced by Weather to give over their intended
From Gomorrhe in Hungayie, Jan. 1.
Don Lewis is invested in the Government of Javarrin.
the place. being vacant upon the decease of Court Bouchain[unr];
in the other Jurisdiction General Lamboy is made Governor,
who is expected here for to command the Earls forces. Prince
Ragotzi was no prisoner at all, as it was reported, but is still
at Tokay on the Frontiers of Hungary, but is, or will be restored
in peace to the dominion of Transylvania. The Turk;
are no yet gone: they say that the chiefe Vizier is arived at
Belgrade; and that the Great Turk Himself is at Andri[unr]epolis
intending to be shortly at Sofia, to work out some designes against
this Kingdom.
From Basil in Switzerland Jan. 20
The Cantons make easy for a new meeting to determine
the several differences fallen out of late, namely between
those of Zurich an Switz, which are daily more and more enraged
one against another, using hostilities each against other.
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