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Mercurius politicus, Number 401, 28th January-4th February 1658 E.748[10]

The Popish Cantons have had a meeting at Rauz, banding
against the Deputies of the Canton of UZ[unr], whom they
would not allowia place to sit in their last meeting.
At the next Spring the Duke of Longueville is expected
again to put on for the effecting a new Alliance betwixt
F[unr]e and Zwitzerland.
From Vienna, Jan. 12.
The Court hath commanded all Coaches and Waggons to
go toward Prague and to be there precisely on the 15 of January.
A report here, is, that his Majesty of Hungary goeth directly
to Wurtzburgh, where the Prince Elector of Saxony
and of Bavaria are to meet his Majesty.
From Brussels, Jan: 30. S. N.
A Spanish Chevalier of the Familie of Leganes is come hither
to be invested in a General ship, and brings order that
all the Regiments should be recruited with 300 men apecce
more. The Forces are drawing daily to their respective
winter quarters now the Regiments (since the Peasant must
provide) grow full, some of the mare stronger in 300 men
then they were in the field. Those, of Meerboud, Kackegem,
Byvangh and of Lier, where the Troop of horse life-guard
of Caracena doth lye. are discontented, complaining, that instead
of [unr]20 there are more then 300 horse come in besides
the Women and Children. The Country thereabout
paid for their freeing off from quartering of Soldiers 36000
From Munster, Jan. 27.
The Gentry and [unr]ity Magistrate have their meeting, undoing
that again which was agreed upon at the late siege. The
Bishop de sireth of the Nobility and Gentry 5000 Rixdolars
monthly to be paid for the maintaining of the Militia: the
Gentry and City will onely contribute to the maintaining of
600 men, which besides ought to the only for half a year;
and desire the disbanding of the City Garison.
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