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Mercurius politicus, Number 402, 4th-11th February 1658 E.748[12]

Conde are best accommodated) are now taken up with deliberations
for the further strengthening and defence of this place
and Graveline, against which we are assured the Enemies first
Designes are laid. His Highness Don John is to command
the Forces new raised by the Communities of Flanders, the
Marquis of Caracene the old Troops, the Duke of York the
Irish and some English which adhere to him. The Prince of
Conde also will (its hoped) be sufficiently recovered to keep
the Field in person, otherwise General Marsin shall have his
forces in his stead. The sickness of the said Prince hath so
wrought upon him, that being sensible of his recovery from
from the door of death, he is much given to devotion, frequenting
his own Chappel constantly morning and evening
with his Servants.
From Paris Feb. 7 S. N.
The Sieur Bellisani., who lately arired here from the Duke
of Mantua, continueth in this Court for some time. The
Occasion of his journey was supposed to have been a willingness
in his Master to come off roundly to the Interest of
Francs, in reference to the War in Italy, but it appears that
he comes rather to treat with his Eminencie on the behalf of
the said Duke, about his Dukedom of Nevers in France;
and the Princess Palatine, wise of Prince Palatine Edward,
hath full power to conclude about it, in the name of the said
This Court hath been much importuned on the behalf of
the King of Sweden for a supply of men, but that not
being to be spared from hence, it is beleeved that a considerable
sum of mony will be advanced for the service of the
said King, and delivered to Monsicur Court in Secretary to that
King, for the Subsistence his Armies.
His Majesty sent in the beginning of this month a Courrier,
with new Orders to our Ambassador at Franckfort to instruct
them how to demean themselves, during the time of the Imperial
Election, which is now at hand.
The Paliament is now assembled here about the Regulation
of the Finances, and the Courts of Justice.
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