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Mercurius politicus, Number 402, 4th-11th February 1658 E.748[12]

From Genoa, Jan. 12.
An English Vessel arrving lately at Legorn, saith, That the
English are resolved this Summer also to infest the Coasts of
Spain, so that the ships that are to return from the Indies will
not be able to come in without the like hazard as formerly.
The Marquis of Castel Rodrigo going to take possession of
the Government of Sardinia, hath been detained divers days
by contrary winds at Porto Venere. from, whence this Republick
hath ordered two Galleys to attend him, to the end
he may proceed in his journey with the more security against
The French Men of War play Rex in these Seas, sparing
few Vessels that they meet. Four of them which conducted
Cardinal Antonio Barberin to Legorn when he lately went towards
Rome, were no sooner departed out of the Port of
Legorn, but they took a ship of that City called St George,
bound for Spain, and at the same time also a Hamburger laden
with Merchandises for the Isle of Majorca: Which hath quickned
our Senate to equip and steer out a competent number
of Men of War to secure these Seas, under the conduct of
Hippolito Centurione one of our Nobles.
The Pestilence being extinguished, a course is taken to reestablish
Commerce throughout all the Dominions of this
From Rheims, Jan. 20.
His Majesty having assigned to Monsieur de Frequieres,
Governor of Verdun, the sum of fifty thousand Livres per
annum, for the maintenance of that garison, to be raised upon
on the City and Villages round about it, those of the City
will not submit to it; and in the mean time; they have
sent Deputies to Paris, to intreat that this Assignation
may be rovoked, hoping that Prince Francis of Lorraine,
their Bishop, will give them his assistance in this business.
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