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Mercurius politicus, Number 402, 4th-11th February 1658 E.748[12]

They begin to Order the marching of those
Troops which are designed to go into Alsatia, in
which Country the King intends to have an Army
of 18000 men, and confer the Command of them
upon the Marshal of Clairambaut; and som say, the
King intends to be there in person, to quicken his
Affairs in that part; in the beginning of the Campagne.
From Rome, Jan. 10.
On Sunday, the Pope held a Chappell at the
Quirinall, where Cardinal Palucci sang Mass, and
a Sermon was made by the Proctor-generall of the
On Monday in the Evening, Vespers were celebrated
at the Quirinall. after which the Pope retiring
to his Lodgings, all the Cardinals went to the
Lodgings of Cardinal Ghisi the Popes Nephew,
where they had a Collation.
The next day, another Chappel was held, where
his Holiness, conferred his Benediction upon
the Swords which he is wont to send to such Christian
States and Princes as war against Turks and
The same day, the Venetian Ambassador received
advise touching the death of the Pattiarch of
Aquilea, who is succeeded by Seignior Dolsino his
Nephew, who departs shortly to take possession.
From Venice, Jan. 11.
Last week we had advice out of the Levant,
that our new Generalisoimo Morosini being departed
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