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Mercurius politicus, Number 402, 4th-11th February 1658 E.748[12]

from Candia, had taken his way towards the Archipelago
with 22 Galeasses, and divers men of war, with resolution to
relieve Lemnos; but the Turk perceiving themselves unable
yet to make any considerable progress in that siege, had raised
it before they came, quitting the Island by order sent them
from Constantinople. This retreat of theirs was grounded
upon news sent to the Grand Seignior touching the differences
there among his chief Commanders, and touching the intent
of our Generalissimo to bring relief. Nevertheless, the Turks
are resolved to return thither at Spring; their Emperor intending
great Forces and Actions both by Sea and Land, this
next Campagn, having himself in person repaired to Andrinople
to take a particular care in the conduct of the war, in
case some extraordinary occasion do not recal him to Constantinople.
Our Senate also are very busie in their Preparatives against
the next Campagne, having raised great sum of money, and
sent to their Ambassador at Paris to remonstrate to his Majesty
of France the Turks mighty Preparations, and solicite
for supplies.
From Colen, Febr. 1.
The Citizens of Munster are still in discontent with their
Bishop, notwithstanding the composure made by the late
Treaty; but yet they are not like to proceed to Blows any
more, the remembrance of damages which each party suffered
during the late siege, being fresh in minde. But the Magistrate
of that City proceedeth in making new fortifications,
and to assure himself betimes of all things that may be necessary
for defence, in case of a breach. The Garison which were
put in there by the Bishop are much diminished, because
they want pay, the Estates of the Country having refused to
finde money for their subsistence.
Our Elector prepareth himself for his journey to Francfort.
We here not of any considerable thing acted by the Poles
and Austrians against the Swedes; The reason is, because of a
great discontent arisen betwixt them, the Austrians complaining
that the Poles do not perform with than in point of Pay,
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