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Mercurius politicus, Number 403, 11th-18th February 1658 E.748[14]

From Naples, Jan. 4.
They are sending daily both horse and Foot abroad
against the Bandits, for all that the Bandits
are couragious, using all the pranks of robbing &
plundering, all will not help what our Viceroy
doth against them. These Bandits come even
unto our Gates and the strongest places of the
City. Surely these men are mightily encouraged
and set on by some Forraine power; for the preventing
hereof the Post-Office is charged not to
receive or to send away any Letters without the
viewing and Perusing of them by the Viceroy, or
the Committe appointed for it. All manner
of preparations are made with great eagerness for
Sea and land. The Inhabitants of these Countries.
are encouraged by the birth of the young
Prince of Spain to be forward in Warlike exploits
not only in these Dominions, but elsewhere for
to oppose the King of Spains Enemies.
From Constantinople, Decemb. 28.
Our great Prince hath been absent for a while,
and no tumult at all made in his absence. However
it is supposed that the respective Bassas may perswade
the Great Prince to alter his designes which
he intended to make upon Christendom. The
Galleys for the most part are ready, and all the
Fleet for the Armada is ready also, only an order is
expected from the Great Prince for a Rendevouz
and to appear at the muster.
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