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Mercurius politicus, Number 403, 11th-18th February 1658 E.748[14]

for their General, and did not only resolve this next Spring,
to go for the service of his Majesty of Sweden and to execute
his Commands with all their strength of 60000 men, but to
be ready upon the 16 of Decemb. past to go for Warsaw to
be there upon the 18 of this month, at which time the States
of Poland are to meet there: But I hope that the Polanders
will then hasten with the long pretended Treaties of Peace, to
decline such Guests, and make use of them themselves afterwards
against any other. Just now as I was upon the Conclusion
of this, we had news that 100. Musqueteers are come
over the Ice about Dirshaw, to an Inn scituated just over-against,
where they stayed till ten of our Cavaliers sallyed out
of this Town and gave fire upon them, and forced them out
of that place to a shamefull retreat in which they killed many,
but took no Prisoner at all, which is the reason that we do not
yet certainly know what Solders they were. They have extreamly
tyranized upon the Landlord and Mistress of the
House, because they were Protestants, and so they do in al places
throughout all Poland.
From Posen, Jan 14.
General Czainecki is (they say) to march on the 16 of Jan.
with 20000 men into Pomerania against the Swedish. The
Treaty of Peace between Sweden and Poland is put off till
Easter for the which a place in Prussia is to be nominated.
Whitehal Febr. 13.
Yesterday an Express arived here out of Holland, who giveth this
account. That the King of Sweden hath lately had two great successes,
viz. That in Liesland the Polish General Gonziewski hath been defeated
by Count Magnus de la Gardie who commandeth in that Province
for the Crown of Sweeten. Also, that by the benefit of the
late Frost, his Majesty of Sweden attempted the Isle of Fuenen, and
hath taken it, with the Danish Commander in cheif, and many Danes
This is the account; but we must expect a confirmation, and the
particulars, till the coming of the Post.
On Monday, his Highness conferred the honor of Knighthood upon
Henry Pickering Esq; of the County of Cambridge, Sometime
since also, the same honor was conferred upon Col. Philip Twisleton,
a person who hath merited much by his many services in the Army.
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