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Mercurius politicus, Number 413, 22nd-29th April 1658 E.750[10]

lived in good credit, until of late that he fell into acquaintance
with theeves and Highway men, who brought him to be as
bad as the worst of themselves; John Dodridge for assaulting
a woman in Moor-fields, fellonioussy taking the hat from her
head, William Dudley, a soldier, for Murthering a Sadler in
Smithfeild at his owne Doore: Robert Creamer, Edward
Hollinsworth, otherwise Willis, Thomas Napper all three for
fellony and Burglary, being all old theeves, Jonah Greenwood
for a robery ubon the Highway: Sarah Saunders for murthering
her Bastard Child: Alice Adams a wonan that
came from Barbadoes, her business was to creep into
Services, and so soon as she found an opportunity would make
up her pick with the best things in the house, and so depart
and thus she did in many places. Mary Snelling, Mary Flower,
Mary Sauill, and Mary Billing, all for severall Fellonies, 17
were Branded in the hand, and fowre received Judgment to be
whipt. Eight men were brought from the Counter, Called Fift
Monarchy men, the chief of which Faction were, Wentworth
Day, and John Cl[unr]ke, both which were Indicted for speaking
reproachfull and malitious scandalous words against his Highness
the Lord Protector, upon which they were found guilty
and Day fined 500 land 12 moneths Imprisonment and Clerk
fined 200 Markes and 6 moneth, Imprisonment without Baile
or Mainprise.
From Dantzick, 12 April.
We have certain news from Posen, that the King of Poland
was arived there, whose forces keep Thorn blocked up; the inhabitants
thereof are reasonable well provided. The Austrian
Forces which lye in Silesia, are expected also to come before
Thorn. Lord Saphiha hath order, to march with his Forces
and Generall Czarneski is to march also into Pomerania if
the Treaty take no effect betwixt Sweden and Poland
From Holstein, 13 April.
Here arive daily new leavied Swedish souldiers, all which are
drawn toward Jutland where they bring together a great
body. We hear from Denmark, that there is grievous compliant
among the Peasants: the Gentry and Clergy have been
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