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Mercurius politicus, Number 413, 22nd-29th April 1658 E.750[10]

prejudiced also very much. The Belt was hard frozen on the
1. of April, yet dangerous to goe over: assoon as it is open,
then the Swedish Forces will be transported from Funen to
Jutland. The King of Sweden is yet at Gottenborg; he doth
not intend to stay long there, but is to returne to Zealand, and
from thence he is to goe to Holstein. The Swedish Army
commanded by General Wrengel is still enquartered in Zealand,
the Headquarter is at Ochingelsen. The Swedish Ambassadors
Steno Bielken and Monsieur Coyet are arrived at
Coppenhaguen, whom the King of Denmark received friendly,
and they are to have audience very speedily.
From Kiel, 16 April.
There passt thorough here lately an Ambassador belonging
to the Prince of Transylvania who hath been with the King
of Sweden: in his returne he was very much abused by some
Danish, plundred of all, and they discharged several times at
him, but hurt not his person. Palsgrave Philip of Sultzbach
took it very ill and sent to Gluckstad the general Auditor,
about it, and hath laid hold on two which were actors in it.
All passages in Holstein and Dietmarsh are dangerous for travellors:
the Troopers swarm like Bees for plundering: they
took a Lady out of her Coach, for all the Princely pass she
had to shew: and if Troopers be shunnd, yet the bheeves cannot
be escaped, who met lately with the Princes post took all
his letters, and tore them. A Turkish Ambassador past thorough
here, going to the King of Sweden: he brings strange
news along with him. His. Majesty of Sweden is expected at
Gottorp on the first of May: then the Forces are to be d[unr]awn
from Denmark and Holstein; but whither they are to march is
not yet known.
From Hamborough, 16 April.
The Prince of Anhalt arrived here two daies ago, but his now
leavied forces went by the City toward Holstein: He and
the Palsgrave of Sultzbach dined yesterday with the English
Resident, how long these two Princes will tarry here, is not
known. In Sweden 40 saile of ships are equipaging, many ships
lye ready to goe to Sea in Palderen, all these are to be ready
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