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Mercurius politicus, Number 413, 22nd-29th April 1658 E.750[10]

for Sea on the first of May. The Forces in Schoneland are to
be transported by these ships. Letters from Dantzick say, that
there was a tumult in that City, but it is since appeased. The
Polonian and Austrian forces lye still in their old quarters. In
hinder Pomerania the high waters have washed away all the
Bridges, many men and beasts ware drowned, and abundance
of houses spoiled.
From Franckfort, 17 April.
The number of the Swedish Officers encreaseth daily, who
privately leavy forces. The Electoral Princes visit and feast
one another. The French Amdassador Marshal Grammont
is going to the Prince Elector of Saxonie who is gene to retire
a while at Darmstad. The Electoral Princes have had several
meetings about the memorandums brought in by the
French and Swedish Ministers concerning their Grievances:
but what their result will be, is not known, Prince Maurice
of Nassau and Count of Furstenberg doe sit also in the Electoral
Colledge. The Princes Electoral of Collen and the Palatinate
are yet expected: It is thought that Prince Elector
Palatine will be received by the Electoral Colledge for the
third Vicar in the Lands of the Heather Rheyne, as Bavaria is
in the upper Circuits.
From Bergen, St. Wynox 17 April.
The Spanish sent by a strong convoy into Groveling from
Dunkerk 400 Waggons laden with provision were brought
thither, which place is now provided for a time. The forces
belonging to the Scottish King lye near the sea Coasts. 'Tis
said that they are upon some designe against England. The
English and French in Mardike begin againe to fortifie it
more, the floknes which was among them is ceased. There
are arived here 3 Companies of Foot and 8 Troops of horse,
coming from Yperen.
From Ryssel, 18 April.
Our garrison went abroad, and joyning with others, they
went as far as la Bassee, against which they bad a designe, but
it was discovered by one otheir own m[unr]n, who run over to
me Enemy: which made them returne reinserts.
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