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Mercurius politicus, Number 435, 23rd-30th September 1658 E.756[21]

means the Treaty with the Moscovites is dissolved, and the
polonish Commissioners are come away from Wilda, and returning
hither; whereupon the Moscovites have made an
hostile invasion into poland; General Saphia and Gonsiewski
have Order to joyn with the Army in Samoiten, to
fight both the Swedish and Moscovites. The French Ambassador
de Lyonne busieth himself very much to procure a
Treay of peace between Sweden and poland. The polonian
states at Warshow have taken this resolution, and That they
were inclined unto a peace with Sweden, and that the Treaty
should be kept at Braunsberg.
From Hamborough, 19 Sept.
Many fires are seen at night hereabouts, it is supposed
that Hasolow, Haseldorp and the Cloyster of Utersen, are
burnt down, but no certainty of it. It is noysed more and
more, that the Brandenburgish and Imperial forces are marching
and coming hitherward. The Prince Elector of Brandenburg
is gone from Berlin toward the Army; which way
they will march, we shall, heare shortly. Before Coppenhagen
the Swedish have taken the Ooster port. The Swedish
Fleet when they came to the Sound, brought 6000 foot
with them which were immediately landed near to the Town.
Letters from-Dantzick intimate that the King and Queen of
poland are gone from Warshow toward Thoren. From Liefland
is certified, that the Treaty betwixt Moscovie and Sweden
is like to hold, and the Commissioners are met at Narva.
Another, 19. Sept.
The Swedish last night burnt down Wedel, Haselow,
Utersen, and Pinnenberg; and are drawn into a body to oppose
the Brandenburgish, which are marching into Holstein,
to morrow their Avant is expected about Lubeck. From
Berlin it is certified, that Montecuculi was come to Berlin in
person on the 13 September, and his Army stand about Whitstock,
they say that he is taking his march to the principality
of Lunenburg and the Bishoprick of Bremen.
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