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Mercurius politicus, Number 435, 23rd-30th September 1658 E.756[21]

From Antwerp, 21 Sept. S.N.
At Brussels, Aelft, Gent, Brugge, Cortrick and Yperen,
no shops have been open for many daies: no other trade but
all in arms, victuals grow scant by reason of the multitudes of
the Country people which resort to these places: and ours
also begin to be fild with them. Our Magistrate hath sent to
Dermond to view the Magazin there: if there be no great
store, then the want must be supplied some other way.
From Vienna, Sept. 7.
On the last week, 3 Regiments broke up, as Col. Nicolas,
Meuys, and Garnier's; these are to march into Prussia, to
joyn with the Brandenburgish forces, and to be imployed against
Thoren, against which place they have prevailed hitherto
nothing at all. The Polanders doe little to any purpose.
From Transylvania is an Ambassador come to Presburg,
with presents for his Imperial Majesty, and to congratulate
his Majesty. Another Turky Chiaux is arrived with
five followers; great preparations are making for she receiving
of his Imperial Majesty, into this City.
Whitehal, Sep. 24.
His Highness and the Council passed a Declaration, for inviting
the People of this Nation to observe a day to seek God by prayer
and humiliation, in reference to his late dispensation in taking away
his late Highness as a also in respect to the sicknesses that are now
scattered up and down in the Nation, and to seek the Lord in behalf
of his Highness the now Lord Protector, and to beg a blessing on
him and his Government, and Counsels, for the good of the Nations.
Which day is appointed the 13 of October next; and all Ministers
are to give notice hereof on the Lords day next before the said 13
of October in their respective Congregations, and to read the declaration
on the said day; upon which all Fairs, Mercats, and all bodily
labors, which may hinder the Religious observation of the day are
This Afternoon his Highness in the Presence Chamber, gave audience
to his Excellencie the Lord Newport, Ambassador of the Lords
State General of the United Provinces the Substance of whose
speech was to signifie to his Highness; That upon the first news of the
death of his late Highness of glorious and immortall Memory, the
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