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Mercurius politicus, Number 435, 23rd-30th September 1658 E.756[21]

From Marienburg, 10 Sept.
Thorn stands in the old condition, no great earnest is used
against it, which may be otherwise now, because their Polanders
say that their King brings a strong Army with him
from Warshow, and then Thorn must look to it self, It is
reported for certain, that the Brandenburgish draw into a
Body about Halland, which place will shortly declare themselves
Enemies. General Czarneski stands yet about Pelplin
with 3000 Hors and 500 Dragoons, and expects from Dantzick
1000 Hors and Foot, which are marched forth 3 days
agoe, and doubtless will be imployed also against Thorn: but
others think, that they are to joyne with the Brandenburgish
forces. Czarneski had an eye upon our Bridge, which was
taken down 3 dayes agoe before he came thither. In Dantzick
souldiers are leavyed: at this Dyet they got more
priviledges, in lieu whereof they proffered to leavy some Forces
for the Crown of Poland, The Polanders dispatched the
Moscovie Ambassador thus, that they could not fully resolve
at this time, being hindred by the expedition in hand against
Thorn, which the said Ambassador took very ill. General
Gonzieuski increaseth his Armie, and in a short in time may
be in action against the Moscovites. Letters from Kingsberg
dated the 6 Sept. intimate, that the Warr betwixt Poland
and Moscovie is to goe on for Certain: the Lithuanian Foretroops
were ruined by the Russians a few dayes agoe, 3 leagues
from Keydan.
From Collen, 29 Aug.
Here is arrived the Baggage belonging to one of the French
Ambassadors, his self followes after, for whom the Earle of
Furstenburgs house is making ready: he intends to stay but
few dayes, making haste for Holland, from thence to Calais:
souldiers are leavyed for Brandenburg. Ham in the County of
Mark will not demolish their fortifications, but were demolished
afterward against their will; the fortifications at alcar
in Cleve are set forward. The Brandenburgish Commissioner
in the Land of cfeve and Mark was summoned to come
to Berlin with all speed, who is to raise more moneys. The
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