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Mercurius politicus, Number 435, 23rd-30th September 1658 E.756[21]

shipping betwixt this City and Holland is obstructed, because
Paltz Newburg altred the customeat Dusseldorp, which
custome was doubled upon some, wares: whether it will hold
so or no, we know not.
From Brussels, 21 Sept.
Don John and other Commanders are come hither; the
Soldiers are put into Garrisons, the said Don hath viewed
our walls, and gave order that the ruined places thereof
should be repaired. Our Citizens are day and night upon the
watch. The Country people flock, hither from Flanders and
other places. His Highness and other commanders have
been at Gasdeck, where they kept a, Counsel of War: but
upon what design is not known, they presently parted every
one to his charge. The Prince of Conde is at Dornick, his
Lady desired him to come to her, but he cannot leave his
charge. Passengers from Coetehen relate that the said place
is burnt, only the Castle is not burnt, all the rest even the
Church-walls, are burnt down to the ground.
An Extract of a letter from Naiva, Aug 31.
Sir, we intimate unto you that 2 days ago, the Ensign whom
the Governor and Ambassadors have sent 14 nights agoe to
Novograde, is returned, who relates, that in Russia there arose
a tumult or Rebellion about the Patriarch, because he would
alter their Religion, and make himself a Pope there. In
Moscow letters were found here and there, wherein the intention
of the said patriarch is discovered; in which, tumult
he finding himself in a dangerous condition, disguised himself,
and intended to be gone to Ast[unr]an, but being pursued,
he afterward was brought back and imprisoned, and a guard of
150 was set upon him. The great Duke summoned all the Metropolitans
to come to Moscow.
This day arrive here Robert Tolch, comming from Novograde,
who confirms the rebellion caused by the Patriarch,
he faith that he came on Tuesday from thence the Ambassadors
were then ready to goe to Narva: whether they did
goe on, we shall heare with the next. The French Mediator
could not be admitted nor accepted of, and so he returned
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