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Mercurius politicus, Number 435, 23rd-30th September 1658 E.756[21]

yesterday. The said Robert Tolch relates, that the Commons
petitioned the Great Duke, to make peace with Sweden,
but the Patriarch disswaded him from it and said those
that brought the petition, should lose their lives by the instigtion
of the prelates : which the Great Duke would not
yield to.
From Pontfract, Sept. 25.
I think fit hereby to acquaint you that this day his Highness
my Lord RICHARD was in the height of our Market,
proclaimed Lord Protector &c. by the Mayor, Aldermen
and commonalty of this ancient Corporation in all their Formalities,
after a solemn meeting to that purpose in the Guildhall,
which was done and assented unto, with as much cheerfulness
and great Acclamations, as the late most sad dispensation
would permit; after which the Mayor invited the
Aldermen and Commonalty to a Collation, where they are
now rejoycing together. And all other demonstrations of
Joy are begun and intended to be continued all this day, as
ringing of Bells &c.
From Madrid, 28 August.
Don Lowys d'Aro General of the Camp is gone from
hence yesterday to goe to the Army, and not to delay any
longer the relief designed for Badajox. The three millions are
gathering which the states of Castile have promised to give
to the King, the Pope hath given a Graunt to the Clergie to
raise a considerable sum of money for the prosecuting of the
War. Signor Bonelli is at last received here for the Popes
Nuntio, who tarried here a long time without power to act,
he is admitted upon this condition, that he should be called
home within seaven or eight moneths.
Another from Dantzick, 14 Sept.
The Swedish in Liefland are marched abroad under the
command of General Douglass, but have effected nothing
only they chased away one Moscovie safeguard: General
Gonziewski standing then with 5000 new leavied forces and
10000 Pospalites from Lithuania to encounter the Swedish,
was worsted. Yesterday about evening our Deputies returned
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