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Mercurius politicus, Number 435, 23rd-30th September 1658 E.756[21]

Advertisements of Books newly Printed and published.
Containing Three Treatises, Of the Vanity of the Creature, Sinfulness of [unr]
the Life of Christ An Explication of Psalm CX Meditations on the Sacrament
of the Lords Supper. An Explication of the XIV. Chapter of Hos [unr]
A Treatise of the Passions and Faculties of the Soul. Corrected and Amended
and now altogether Printed in Folio. Sold by George Thomason at the
Rose and Crown in St. Pauls Churchyard.
The History of Eighty Eight, the Powder Plot, and the fall in Black-Fryers.
Faithfully collected out of the best Authors, and conjoyned into one little
Volumefit for every Family. By Samuel Clark, Pastor of Bennet Fink. Sold
by John Rothwel at the Fountain in Cheapside.
Confirmation [unr] Restauration, the necessary means of R[unr]formation
and Reconciliation, for the healing of the Corruptions and Divisions of the
Churches. Submissively but earnestly tendred to the consideration of the
Soveraign Powers, Magistranes, Ministers, and people, that they may awake
and be up and doing in the execution of so much, as appeareth to be necessary;
as they are true to Christ his Church and Gospel, and to their own
and others Souls, and to the peace and welfare of the Nations; and as they
will answer the neglect to Christ at their peril. By Richard Baxter.
A Treatise of the power of godliness consisting of three parts 1. Wherein it
consists 2. Cautions against, and discoveries of several mistakes and hinderances,
most common to the people of God. 3. Several Means and Helps for
attaining of it. By Tho. White Preacher of Gods Word in London.
The Golden Mean, being some serious considerations, together with some Cases
of Conscience resolved; for a more full and frequent administration of, yet
not free admission unto the Sacrament of the Lords upper. By Stephen
Geree, Minister of Gods Word and Pastor of the Church of Abinger, in the
Country of Surrey.
All three fold by Joseph Cranford at the Kings-head in Pauls Churchyard.
ALl persons that have occasion to Travel from London to Marlborough, in
the County of Wilts, or any place on that Road, as Newbury, Hungerford,
&c. or thereabouts, or from thence to London, may conveniently go by Coach
every Munday at the Post house in Marlborough, and every Thursday at the RedLion
in Fleetstreet. By Onesphorus Tap, Post-Master at Marlborough.
IF any stand in need of double Bills upon the Navy, out of an old date, viz.
in 1552. for payment of second Moyeties, at Mr. William Wheatleys Grocer,
at Fleet-bridge, they may be furnished.
A Bright bay Gelding stoln from Hatfield, in the County of Hertford, Sept,
23. of about 14 hand high or something more, with half his Mane shorne
and a star in the Forehead, and a feather all along his Neck on the far side.
A yong man with gray cloaths of about twenty years of age, middle stature,
went away with him. If any can give notice to the Porter at Salisbury-house
in the Strand, or to the White Lion in Harfield aforesaid, they shall be well rewarded
for their pains.
THat Excellent, and by all Physitians approved, China, Drink, called by the
Chineans, Toha, by other Nations Tay alias Tee, is sold at the Sultaness-head,
A Cophee-house in Sweetings Rents by the Royal Exchange, London.
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