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Mercurius politicus, Number 435, 23rd-30th September 1658 E.756[21]

From Paris, Septemb. 28. S. N.
His Majesty of France is become Master of the fair City
of Ypre in Flanders. Our forces opened their Trenches
about the 14 instant, and the night following, being assisted
by the English under the command of that gallant Commander
Morgan, they became Masters of the Contrescarp and
the Half-moon, with little or no losse, notwithstanding the
stout resistance made there by the Enemy, who the day before
had made a sally, but were bravely repelled and beaten
to the very palisade of their Contrescarp, bat in this Action
we lost the Sieur de Roqueville, a Captain of the Regiment
of Tureine, who was slain, and the Marquis of Charrost was
shot into the body by a Musquet.
On the 21 instant, the King having spent a day at the castle
of Vincennes, returned to Fontainbleau; and on the 23,
their Majesties returned to this City in the Evening.
On the 24, her Majesty went and visited the little Queen,
late of England, in Palais-Cardinal; and afterwards the Princess
of Conti at Conde-House.
Another from Madrid, Sep. 2.
We are here in some trouble about the Portugals besieging
of Badajox, fearing they may master it before ours can
effect the intended relief. The King hath sent his Favorite
Don Lewis de Haro to be present with his forces, with strict
command by no meanes to delay the succouring of the place.
In the mean time all ways are tryed for raising present
monies. The Estates of Castile have been constrained to
furnish an extraordinary sum, viz. 3 millions of peices of
Eight; to which the Pope by his Authority over our Clergie
hath added, by permitting a leavie very considerable upon
Ecclesiastical Revenues.
The Sieur Bonelli hath at length been received in the
quality of Apostolical Nuntio, after a long attendance in
this Court; but 'its supposed he will be recalled to Rome
within seven or eight moneths, and that Seignor Boncompagni
is to succeed him as Nuntio Extraordinary.
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