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Mercurius politicus, Number 435, 23rd-30th September 1658 E.756[21]

The Dutch ships ride up and down still within view of
Lisbon; by which means that Port is much incommodated,
and the Dutch give out that they will stay there till the return
of the next Portugal fleet out of the East-Indies.
To His Highness RICHARD Lord Protector of
the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and
Ireland. &c.
The humble Representation and Recognition of the Mayor and
Aldermen of the City of York.
May it please your Highness.
TO receive from your most obedient, most Loyall and
humblest Servants, the Mayor and Aldermen of your
antient City of York, such an expression of that duty, obedience
and affection, which we owe unto your Highness as
our present distance will permit, wherein we most humbly
take leave to tender unto your Highness the deep and passionate
sense we have of that unspeakable loss which the wise
and just providence of God hath seen good to measure out
unto your Highness and these Nations, under your Government,
in the death of your most renowned and dearest Father,
of whom your Highness will be pleased to give us
leave to say that he was a Father to us also; and we must
needs profess that we should have accounted this breach irreparable
had it not pleased the Lord out of his abundant
goodness to an undeserving people, to vouchsafe unto your
Highness such a peaceable and auspicious entrance upon the
Government of this Commonwealth, which hereby we must
affectionately congratulate; and as we have in obedience to
the command we received, most realily proclaimed your
Highness for our rightful Governor, so we shall not fail to
second that beginning, with a faithful and diligent discharge
of our duty in all things, tending to the honor and happiness
of your Highness, with the tranquility and prosperity of this
Commonwealth, humbly beseeching the God of all grace
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