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Mercurius politicus, Number 446, 9th-16th December 1658 E.760[22]

winds. so that we are longing to know, whether the
Fleet be gone to the Sound.
From Falmouth, Decemb. 16.
Here is arived from the Streights the Guinny Frigat, sent
home by Captain Stoaks. Here is come in with her the olive-branch
of London, Captain Highway Commander, richly laden
from Legorne, and another ship from Scanderoon, and 4 or 5 other
vessels from other places.
The great Pirate Papachin being lately taken in the Streights
by Captain Stoaks, as he was roving in a vessel of Ten guns, is
carried into Legorne. He is one that hath done great mischiefe
to our English Trade and to the French, though borne a subject
of France; and tis thought he will be yielded up the King.
Whitehall, Decemb. 10.
Our ships designed Northward, having for some time been
by contrary winds detained upon the Coast, went thence to
sea on the second of this month, and its supposed they are by
this time arived in their appointed place.
The Writs for Summoning the Parliament are almost prepared,
and will after a few days be issued forth; it is supposed
on Wednesday next.
It hath pleased his Highness to alter the Sheriffs formerly
nominated for the Counties of Bedford and Bucks, and to appoint
John Alston Esquire for the former County, and Henry
Chester Esquire for the latter.
The Foreign Post not ariving in time, there is no new account
yet touching the affairs of the King of Sweden.
In regard that hitherto an exact account hath not been
given of the late Fight, between the Swedish and Dutch fleets
in the Zound, take the following Relation, which was written
by an honorable hand.
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