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Mercurius politicus, Number 446, 9th-16th December 1658 E.760[22]

A true Relation concerning the great Victory, which the Swedish.
Rix Admiral Charls Gustave Wrangle obtained against
the Hollanders, in a Sea-fight on the 29 October: Imparted
by a chief Minister of his Majesty of Sweden from
THe Holland fleet under the command of Admiral Opdam
consisting of 44 men of war, and six fire ships, besides a
great number of Merchant-men, and many small Vessels, setting
forth from the Flie, arrived under Zealand on the 26
October, and lay still a mile and a half from Cronenburgh,
which place is called the Lappe. On the 27 October, they
drew one mile nearer, and half a mile on this side Kol, on the
Zealand side, not far from the Kings-Inn, where they
lay still the 27 and 28 October, and sent none afore to give
notice of their comming, or to negociate any other thing;
now when their hostile intention appeared plainly, then his
Royal Majesty and the Rix Admiral Count Wrangel gave order
and direction how things should be managed, in case they
should make their passage per force through the Zound; all
the Officers received order what to do upon such an occasion;
every one of the Officers before the fight was put in mind of
his Honor, Fidelity, and oath, whereby they were obliged to
their King and Country; his Majesty adding this to them,
That those who had no mind to fight might be gone, if they
had a mind. On the 29 October at midnight, the wind began
to blow cold from North-west, and they thought to get thorough
the Zound by this wind, Admiral Opdum in the morning
about four of the clock shot off the warning piece, and
thereupon they weighed their anchors; at five of the clock
they were under sail; Admiral Witte Witteson, who led the
Avant, sailed slowly, that the rest might follow presently
after, and so pass throught all together, but the strong
wind being pretty well allayed towards day, it was about
eight of the clock before they could get under Cronenburg.
Thereupon the Swedish Warning Piece was given from the
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