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Mercurius politicus, Number 554, 10th-17th February 1659 E.761[15]

of the Prophet, My Father! my Father! the Chariots of
Israel, and the Horsemen thereof.
Having at present no other way to manifest our sense and
remembrance hereof, we presume to do it hereby, and to congratulate
your happy succession into his dignity, whereby our
hearts are in some measure recreated upon the hopes your
Highness hath given to all that have applied themselves to
you, and more especially by your Highness late Proclamation
in behalf of Ministers of tender Consciences of treading in
your Fathers steps. For which end we do and shall instantly
lift up our hearts with our hands unto God in the Heavens,
That your Highness may have an inlarged measure of the
same spirit which rested on your famous Father; and long
continue prosperous in the Government of these Nations,
and that God may vouchsafe a blessed opportunity, and order
means for settling the welfare and peace thereof, and chiefly
the union and prosperity of the godly therein, and make your
Highness a blessed Instrument to promote the Kingdom of
our Lord Jesus in these Lands, and to help the oppressed Servants
of Christ in forreign parts, Whereunto we humbly
promise to contribute our cordial assistance according to that
ability which our Lord shall afford unto us.
Your Highness
Loyal and Faithful
Subjects and Servants.
Westminster, Thursday, Feb. 10.
The House being put in mind that this day was by former
Order appointed to hear Counsel on both sides in this House,
in the cause between Mr. Nevil and Mr. Strowde late Sheriff of
the County of Berks. And that the matter of the debate yesterday
was adjourned to be first proceeded in this morning,
and that nothing else was to intervene.
Ordered, that Counsel on both sides be heard in this House
on this day sevennight in the cause between Mr. Nevil and
Mr. Strowd, late Sheriff of the County of Berks.
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