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Mercurius politicus, Number 554, 10th-17th February 1659 E.761[15]

of Brecon, be for his Delinquencie expelled this House;
and that he be disabled from sitting as Member in this present
Parliament, or in any other, Parliament, for the future.
The House was informed, that a Gentleman who sat as
one of the Members of this House, had during the late Unnaturall
Warr marched in the Head of a Regiment of Foot, or
of a Regiment of Dragoons, against the Parliament. That
some called him Mr. Danvers, some Mr. Villiers, he being
present in the House stood up, and gave his Answer to the
House concerning the said Information, and then withdrew.
The House being further informed, that a Colonel who
could testifie that the said Mr. Danvers had been in Arms
against the Parliament, was without at the door.
Ordered that the said Colonel be called into the Bart of
the House to give his Testimony concerning the said Mr.
Danvers; who being called down by the Serjeant at Arms
from the Committee-Chamber where he was withdrawn, to
heare the Testimony and Information, and having taken his
place in the House, the Serjeant by Command of the House,
brought in the said Colonel, who at large declared his knowledge
of Mr. Danvers, first in Italy, afterwards in England.
That during the late Warr, He the said Colonel being Captain
of a Troop of Horse in Prince Rupert's Regiment, the
said Mr. Danvers quartered with him in one house in Shropshire.
That some short time after, not farr from Bridgenorth,
he did see Mr. Danvers march in the head of a Regiment
of Foot raised against the Parliament; And being asked, if
he knew the Gentleman again, looking upon Mr. Danvers
who sat neento him; he said, This is the Gentleman.
And afterward, the said Colonel by Command of the
House withdrew.
Mr. Danvers having heard the Information, stood up,
and made his Answer thereunto, and by the Command of the
House withdrew.
The question being propounded, it was resolved, That
Mr. Robert Villiers, returned by the name of Robert Danvers,
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