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Mercurius politicus, Number 602, 5th-12th January 1660 E.773[42]

time of his first audience, and it will be in writing delivered,
and then Commissioners shall be appointed, to treat with
Conference was had last week with the Portugal Ambassador,
but no great progress is made.
Concerning the affairs of Munster, it seems the Bishop is
content, that the Lord Friquet Resident of the Emperor, and
their Lordships, should use their best endeavors that the differences
between the City Munster and their Bishop, should
be determined, for preventing of further calamities.
The French Ambassador delivered in a Memorandum on
the 1 January to their Lordships, intimating therein the Peace
made between France and Spain, declaring further, that
his Majesty of France is inclined to have a regard to the interests
of these Countries, even as his Father and Grandfather
had done heretofore, inviting their Lordships to improve
their credit and power, that a peace may be made between
Sweden, Poland, and Denmark; to which his
Majesty of Sweden is inclined.
You have here inclosed the Memorandum presented by the
Emperors Resident, to the Lords States, about the controversie
betwixt the Bishop and City of Munster,
A Copie of the Memorandum presented to the States Generall
by the Emperors Resident at the Hague.
THe subscribed Counsellor and Deputy extraordinary of
his Imperial Majesty, hath from his Majesty received
an express order to represent to your Lordships; that as to
what concerneth the Contest fallen out betwixt the Bishop
and Prince of Munster and the Magistrate and Inhabitants of
that City, touching the Right which the first pretends to be
belonging unto him, to have the disposal of a garrison, also
to have the Keys and keeping of the gates, and to give the
word, with all the other Prerogatives appertaining to the authority
of a Soveraigne Prince, the said Magistrate fearing had recourse
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