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Mercurius politicus, Number 244, 8th-15th February 1655 E.826[28]

whose miscarriage the honour of Christ, Religion,
and our selves lyes obnoxious to the calumny
of such, who delight to render our profession odious,
and wait for occasion to say of us, as sometimes
it was said of our betters, These are they that
turn the world upside down, charging us with despising
Dominions, and speaking evil of Dignities as if our
designs were to pull down others that we might
set up our selves.
Now, left our silence in this day of flander
should seem to plead us guilty, we are pressed in
our Consciences; First, from the deep sense of
the honor of God that lies at stake; and Secondly
out of duty to his Highness, your Honour, and all
good men, to present this our humble Address, to
clear our innocency from those unjust aspersions
we are charged with, through the defect of one;
wee know no more of our Society under suspition
of guilt in this matter.
1. We doe therefore, as in the presence of the
searcher of hearts declare, That we are altogether
innocent and ignorant of any plotting, or
contriving with any persons whatsoever, in this
design spoken of, or in any other tending to division
in State or Army.
2. We do disown all such, though our brethren,
that were, or may be found contrivers or fomerters
of any the foresaid wicked devices, and bear
our testimony against such, as great sinners, and as
Enemies to th[unr] publick peace of the Nations.
3. We do declare here by freedom in owning the present
Magistracie and Authorit[unr] set over us by the good providence
of God, in the hands of our present Governors and
Governor in Chief, to whom We owe not onely our Civil
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