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Mercurius politicus, Number 114, 5th-12th August 1652 E.673[1]

From Brussels the 11 of August 1652: Stilo novo.
Since my last, the Letters of Zealand have brought us every
bad news for the state of England, and a very great Victory
for themselves: That there was an Express com from the
North, who had brought them News, that both Fleets had
met and fought, and after 30 hours fight, Admiral Tromp
had gotten a very great Victory against Blake, who had bin
fired by a Fireship, with another of his best ships: That he
had taken 33 English men of War, and sunk Severall; with
such like circumstances which were added; the better to colour
the business: But we beleeve nothing of all this, and hope
there is no such thing: These people here doe generally desire
that you may have the better against the Dutch, whensoever
you engage.
In Zealand they have made ready two and twenty men of
war, with 6 Fireships, and as many in the Province of Holland;
these are to joyn, and to be sent westward, to attend sir
George Ayscues motion, who is said to be gon to ly in wait
for the Dutch Merchant men
Leyden August 14, stilo loci
Sir, At length our Herring busses so much long'd for by
our liquorish appetites, bringing bad sawce, and bad news,
are returned home; They tell us that a squadron of Blakes
steer, finding them with their Convoy, 8 wherof they have
taken, sunk 3, and burnt one: by which it appears a stubborn
Resistance was made by ours, though to our cost, The men
in the destroyed ships were saved by yours, and the wounded
men sent home in the Busses, which had you taken, had undon
many hundred Families; but now (saving a taste and toll of
Herrings, which your men took out) they have sent home 700
Busses, men, ships, and fish; only with this Lesson. That they
fish no more in those seas, without leave from the Republick
of England; which noble act shews your Admirall with his
company, to have much more of the Lions grandeur in him,
than ours, who having your ships of war, preys upon petty and
paltry game; breaking and burning a few fisher-boats upon
your Coast, and forcing those poor men to serve against their
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