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Mercurius politicus, Number 114, 5th-12th August 1652 E.673[1]

Masters interest may get on foot in the United Provinces.
The Princes Army lyes at St Cloud, and the Kings Forces
under Turein, near Pontoise, where the Court still con[unr]ues;
and seem by their projects to have give a strange Turn to
affairs on a sudden. As how that the Spanish Army is retreating
out of the Kingdom upon an Agreement betwixt them
and the Court, wherein it is supposed they have included the
Princes, onelse they are in a miserable condition. This sudden
Accord is said be in order to the carrying on of a generall
Peace betwixt the two Crowns; so that now if his Majesty
march this way, tis thought the Gates will be set wide open
to receive him: And the rather, because the Cardinall is to
retire into the Bishoprick of Mets, whereof he is newly becom
Bishop. The design being in a short time to recall him to
And for the better preparing of his way,
and qualifying the Spirits of the people, the
Cardinal (as say Letters from Court) shall
be interested in the negotiating of thispeace
in the behalf of France, and the Duke of
Lorain on the behalf of the King of Spain;
which (they say) is driven on so fast and forward,
that there wants little to its accomplishment
but the formalities, the substance
being in a manner already concluded. And
so now if the Cardinal should but bring the
general peace along with him, it wil be so acceptable
to the poor people (having sufficiently
tasted of the miseries of war) that no
man will be more welcom then himself to
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