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Mercurius politicus, Number 114, 5th-12th August 1652 E.673[1]

From the North of Irleland, July 19. 1652.
Understanding by intelligence, that a considerable
number of the enemies, both Horse and Foot,
were drawn down into the Fewes, partly to cut off
our convoyes from Carlingford & Dundalk, [unr]d to
prey the quarters; we marched after them, and
missed of one party, but took all the Cowes they
had, and fell with another of about 60 Horse, that
took all the Cattell from Dundalk the day before;
we divided our selves into severall parties upon
the passes, rescued the prey, had the pursuit of
them 17 miles, and not above 7 or 8 of them all
escaped; all the men we light upon, were put to
the sword, being Tories. From the Fewes we marched
into Tyroen, to root out some of the rogues
that had possessed themselves of the greatest Fastness
of Woods and Bogges in that County, but
hearing of our comming, they took the Mountains.
The ultaghes of this Province have made severall
overtures for a generall Treaty, and it begins
at Bellturbes on Wednesday the 28 of this instant
July, 1652.
From Lieth, July 31.
Van Trump with 125 Sail was upon these coasts
over against Frisleborough, ten leagues North of
Aberdene, the 23 instant, and the same day they
took a Ship of ours of 120 tuns, and six Gunnes,
laden with Skinnes, Tallow, and Hides, worth
2000 pounds. A servant of the Merchants who
received this losse, went aboard Trump, who was
civill to him, and set him on shore at Frisleborough,
but detained the Master and all his men. The man
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