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Mercurius politicus, Number 114, 5th-12th August 1652 E.673[1]

Spake with severall Scotch-men and English aboard,
and they told him they were going to fight Generall
Blake, but that they would make no great hast,
in regard they expected 60 Sail more to be added
to their Fleet; but it's conceived the two Fleets
are met before this. They had onely five Fireships,
115 men of Warre; with five that were Gallies,
and were to give intelligence.
From Paris 14. August. Stilo novo by another
hand, thus.
The Court is still at Pontoise; the D. of Bovillon
died there the ninth instant. His Lady was immediately
visited by the Cardinall, and the next day
the King with the whole Court went and condoled
with his brother the Marshall Turein.
The tenth instant the Duke of Valois, son to the
Duke of Orleans, being about two years old, died
in the Palace of Orleans. The day after, the Dukes
of Amville and Joyeuse, came hither from the King
and Queen to condole with Orleans for the death
of his son. His Majesty the day before, had sent a
Trumpet to the said Duke, to request a forberance
of the sale of the Cardinals goods; but he
excused himself, and said, That matter depended
on the Parliament. Marshall Turein hath lately
made mcursions to the very gates of Paris, and
plundred all about St. Dennis.
They are raising mony by Tax upon this City,
for recruit of the Princes Army. A messenger is
come from D. Lorain to Pr. Conde, to assure him of
his readinesse to march, not withstanding that the
Count of Fuen said agne be surprised by sickness. It
is said, they are marching 7000 already. The Pr.
Of Tarente is by order of a Councell of Warre here
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