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Mercurius politicus, Number 114, 5th-12th August 1652 E.673[1]

to goe and meet them. They are all Lorainers and
Leigeois, and the Chevalier de Guise comes along
with them. The Kings Army continues about St.
Dennis, and that of the Princes at St. Cloud. It is reported
that the Parliament of Britany refuseth to
joyn with this parliament touching the Duke of
Orleans his being invested with the Lieutenantship
of the Kingdom.
The King hath sent the Princes a Letter signifying
his consent to the Cardinals remove, upon
condition the Princess perform the articles formerly
propounded; this is looked on as a meere device
of the Cardinal himself, to gain time, and frustrate
the intended Levies here at paris, because
people will be backward to pay their mony, if they
have an opinion of his departure. He hath not yet
attained the Bishoprick of Mets, as he hoped, and
therefore gives out that he is going into Germany
to treat of the generall peace.
The king hath erected a new Parliament, or Antiparliament
at pontoise, of such members asfled hence,
whom the Parl. here hath summon'd to return
within 8 days, or else they shall be declared Rebels,
and adherents to the Cardinall, perturbers of the
publick peace, and themselves and their posterity
ever uncapable of any future Office. Nevertheless
the Mock parliament at Court continues in opposition
to this. They both annuall and condemne each
others actions, so it is thought impossible they
should ever piece again.
The little Court at S. Germans is gaping still for money.
and News from the Hollanders. Their Ambassador, Killegrew,
hath behaved himself so ill at Venice, that the Senate
have resolved to send him away.
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