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Mercurius politicus, Number 114, 5th-12th August 1652 E.673[1]

From Lieth, August 3
For news, there is not much, The Major. Generall is
yet about Lough-Tamack in the Highlands, about 28 miles
from St Johnstons: Our horse having found out a Vale called
Glenshee, between the Mar and At hole, which will feed 1500.
horse for 14. daies, I beleeve it will occasion his stay longer then
he intended. Besides, Glen Cary, who was with the Major
General at his first coming into the Highlands, hath now faced
about, and gathered together (some say) 2000. men
The Major General hath sent a summons to them and Cameron,
which will put the business to an issue one way or
From Sir, George Ayscue's Fleet at Plymouth, August. 6,
Since the 31: of July, being then off the Lands-end, we
have taken for Prizes, one Frenchman, the other Dutch,
whereof one was laden with salt, the rest of little concernment.
This Evening we brought into Plymouth two very rich
Straits men, belonging to England, which we met withall
yesterday, between the Lizzard and Lands. end. One of
them is called the African, and the other the Dart. They
say, there are no other Straits men to be expected these 2.
or 3. months. We met also with 2 Virginia ships; which
we have here.
By severall letters this Wednesday night from Holland, dated August 16.
Stilo novo. We understand that Trump hath met with a furious storm that
hath in a manner spoiled the best part of his Navy; he is come home, and
but 40. Ships of his Navy with him, say some letters; others that but 36.
are come, the rest, lost no man knowing where they are; some letters say,
that ce[unr]inly 16. Of his Fleet were seen cast away, and two of the East-India
[unr]ps; others say that all the East-India ships are come into the Maze
with Trump, except one: both these have little difference, but are in substance
true. The Dutch are amazed; they say, God is against them, and begin to feel,
that it is hard kicking against the pricks, and fighting against God. 'Tis well, if God
give them so much mercy now, as to begin to bethink themselves. The Country is
in an uproar; and they fear the Approaches of the English Fleet.
Just now another Letter comes from Amsterdam, of the 16. instant, confirming
what is before, and that Trump being returned only with 40 ships, he is much troubled
for the rest, and goeth this day to the Hague. The people are all raging madd,
drawing their Foot to the Sea-Coasts, and fortifying he Sea-Towns, expecting an
Invasion from England. They miss 62 of their men of war. Two of their East-Indie
ships were cast away also in the Storm. Thus GOD fights for England. This Storm
befell the Dutch about Shetland.
LONDON, Printed by Tho. Newcomb. 1652.
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