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Mercurius politicus, Number 615, 5th-12th April 1660 E.182[28]

The news of the blowing up of the Magazin by accident
at Stettin, is confirmed.
We hear that sorry of the Swedish officers which were taken
prisoners in the Isle of F[unr] were all invited to dinner by
his Highness the Elector [unr]f B[unr]ndenburgh, and afterwards
released upon them pa[unr], which gives good hope that
there may be a good understanding arse also betwixt the
said Elector and sweden.
From Hamborough, March 30.
The Count of Rantzaw is now at Itzehoe, treating
with the Commissioners of the Duke of Holstein, about
deciding the difference betwixt that Duke and his Majesty
of Denmark, [unr] the mean while the forces on both
sides lie still, doing no prejudice to one another, and
those which were sent against Tonningen, have not yet besieged
it; so that there is hope of an agreement betwixt
The Treaty of Peace at Oliva betwixt the Crowns of Poland
and Sweden go on very fairly, it is hoped those points
which concerned the rights of the Elector of Brandonburgh
will be decided there as soon as any, and that the other
Confederates will receive satisfaction: that so each interested
Prince being satisfied, all may end in a general peace.
The News from Gottenburg is, that the Corps of the
King is removed thence toward Niecoping, there to rest til it
can be carried to Vpsal.
From Berlin we hear that the Marquiss of Baden is passed
away going to take possession of the charge of General of the
Ar[unr]llery in he Imperi[unr] Army in P[unr]erania [unr]nd Mecklenbourg.
Also, that the Baron of [unr]ndnel is sent thence
into Spain in the name of the Elector of Bran[unr]enburgh,
to perform the Complement to the King touching the
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