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Mercurius politicus, Number 615, 5th-12th April 1660 E.182[28]

to the State, (several great peeces of Ordnance being discharged
from the Tower at his taking water) where he was
Nobly entertained; and at his return, passing by the Tower,
he was there also saluted with several more great peeces of
Ordnance, and afterwards landed at Whitchal.
The Lord General, Council of State, and chief Officers,
dine on Thursday at Vintners-Hall, and upon Friday at Fisbmongers-Hall.
The Lord General Mountague is this week set sail for the
From Venice, March 27.
They write from Constantinople that above threescore
Galleys were o[unr]dered to be made ready forthwith, and that
for this purpose [unr] was brought from all the Isles of
that E[unr]pie they being, resolved to have very great
action against [unr] by Sea and Land.
We have I[unr]tellig[unr]nce, that it new Fort[unr]sses which were
lately bui[unr]t at the [unr] Da[unr]melles, hich cost the Turk so much
time, labor, and money, are found to be unserviceable, that
they cannot hinder the Venetian ships from riding in their
wonted station, to hinder the coming out of the Turks; the
Captain Bashaw is preparing to pass with all speed into Candia
with 24. Galleys, but he lyes yet under the Canon of
the said Fortress and thinks not fit to venture forth.
We hear that the Turkish Forces which are designed to
go to Belg[unr]ve, 2000. of them were already arrived at Buds
The Squadron of ten great ships which were equipped
here and appointed to go for Candia, are gone to Sea
with 500 Soldiers, store of Ammunition, Victual and
many Gunners and Officers newly listed; in the mean while
here is a great readiness in the Subjects of this Commonwealth
to bring money into the Treasury, to carry the War
vigorously on this Summer; the Religious Persons contribute
largely and willingly, and a great number of Persons
of all conditions, particularly the Gentry; the Duke himself
hath sent a great sum, and the Senators and Nobility the
like by his example.
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