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Mercurius politicus, Number 615, 5th-12th April 1660 E.182[28]

Advertisements of Books newly Printed and Published.
A Continuation of the Grand Conspiracy by the
Insolent Usurper, and the Regal Intruder. Described in Two Sermons
by F. A.
The Faithfull, yet Imperfect, Character of a Glorious King,
King Charles the First. Written by a Person of Quality.
Both sold by Richard Royston, at the Angel in Ivie-lane.
IN Chetsey Fields, on the right hand the way leading from Front-Bridge,
over against the Colledge near Mr. Symbals, are two Houses containing about
Twelve Rooms a piece, with Scables, Gardens, and other conveniencies, to
be Let.
A Sorril Geldin about fourteen handfull high, aged seven or eighth years, hath all
his paces, but trots and gallops chiefly; a white blaze on his Face. Strayed
from Mr. Philip Stories at Evertan in Huntingtonshire on the 28 of March last
past. If any one can give notice to Mr. Story at Everton, or to Gabriel Bedel,
Stationer, at the Middle Temple-gate, London, they shall receive a reward for their
From Dantzick, March 27.
Since my last unto you, there is but little past at the Treaty at
Oliva, the reason whereof is said to be this, That great difficulties
are falling in about the City of Elbing, which the Swedish
absolutely would have stand and continue in the same state unchangeably
after the restitution as formerly; against which
the Poland Commissioners urge and say, that they would
have his Electoral Highness of Brandenburg be satisfied, and
the things promised unto him concerning that City performed.
About the seting at liberty the Duke of Curland, it is said also,
that great differences have been, which at last were brought
thus far, that the said Duke with his Family should within six
weeks, from the 25 of March, be brought to Riga, and a
sevennight after the Peace is concluded and subscribed, (whether
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