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Mercurius politicus, Number 615, 5th-12th April 1660 E.182[28]

the ratification thereof be brought in or no,) be fully restored
to his Tenitories, and be set in possession thereof.
There are difficulties broke in also about some other points,
the which we at first supposed would be made about them.
There is one meeting more to be held before the Easter Hollydayes;
yet we doubt much, whether such weighty and so many
difficulties in points proposed, can possibly be then determined.
From the Hague, April. 8. S. N.
Little expedition is made here, in the affairs depending before
the States concerning Sweden and Denmark, the rather, because
the latest News thats brought from thence, is, that the
Lords mediatours of the three States have unanimously agreed,
to dispose the Northern Crowns to peace, which being
notified unto his Royal Majesty of Denmark, he shewed
his readiness and inclinations thereunto, and declared, that he
was contented with the Treaty of Rotskield made and agreed on
by the aforesaid mediators, leaving it to their judgment, to
adde to it, or to take from it, as it may stand with equity; it
is expected now what they will further proceed, for the bringing
the work in hand to a period; upon a good and herein, it is hoped
that the Treaty between Poland and Sweden will have the better
and speedier success; and no doubt but through the mediation
of France and Spain means will be found out, that the
House of Austria and the House of Brandenburgh will receive
reasonable satisfaction.
The News is brought hither, how that the King of France
hath made himself master of Orange, which place the preceding
Princes have possest so long, and taken now from
this innocent Prince in his minority, upon pretence of restoring
it when he shall be at age; which causeth great discontent
among the people here, and great grumlings there is against
those that have been the cause of it. Though it be pretended
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