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Mercurius politicus, Number 615, 5th-12th April 1660 E.182[28]

been at extraordinary charges in feaftings and ar[unr]cial fireworks.
Now again here is divers women imprisoned for poysoning
their husbands, it is a subtile poyson very gentle and easie in
operation, which some of them have leant, and they taught
others, and now they teach one another commonly, they have
killed many men by this means, and having been examined, they
have confessed it; process is ordered to be issued forth against
them, and they will be speedily brought to justice; what manner
of punishment will be inflicted on these we know not, but
the last company of them that were taken formerly the pope
caused to be immured alive betwixt two Walls, there to be
starved to death, to be a terror to others.
The Queen of Sweden stirs little abroad, and lives private.
An Advertisement to all sheriffs, Justices of the Peace, Attornies,
Sollicitors, Clerks, Serjeants, Bailiffs, &c.
All sorts of Blank Bonds, with Conditions for payment of money at a place certain,
and without; Counterbonds for money, and Bonds for performance of
covenants, for Arbitraments with Umpire and without Umpire; for Appearances
in any Court of Record, Counterbonds upon the same, Replevins, and Bonds upon
Replevins, Bailiffs Bonds to the Sheriffs for their true performance of their Offices,
Bills of Sale, Bonds of Redemption, General Releases, Licences for Ale-houses.
All sorts of Sheriffs Warrants upon mean Proces, County Court Warrants, &c.
Warrants for Justices of the Peace, Indentures of Apprenticeship. And also the best
and fairest pieces of Text, and flourishing for Letters Patents, Fines Recoveries,
and other Exemplifications. Are to be sold by John Bellinger in Cliffords-Iunc Lane
Fiecestreet, London.
And by him is also to be sold, That most incomparable piece of Court hand,
which (of it self alone, without other Master) is compleatly fitted to teach all
Clerks, and others, perfectly and exactly to write the same hand, and to read ancient
Records, and abreviate words.
From Genoa, March 24.
Three Barques laden with presents, which Count Pignoranda.
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