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Mercurius politicus, Number 615, 5th-12th April 1660 E.182[28]

Tice Roy of Naples sends to the Lady Infanta of Spain
are passed by here, continuing their course with all hast, that
the pre[unr]ents may be brought to Madrid, before the Court depart
thence towards the Frontiers.
From Legorn they write that the Great Duke of Tuskany is
expected there to expidite the equipping of the three Galleys,
with which he is this year to assist the Republick of Venice.
The Forces of Millan which are appointed to be transported
into Spain, to serve in the War against Portugal, are marching
towards Final, there to expect the Ships and Gallyes of
Naples, in which they are to embarque.
We hear from spain, That the Venetian Embassador Quirini
hath had audience of the King, and afterwards a conference
with Don Lewis de Haro, touching the succor which that republick
demands from his Majesty against the Turks, whereupon
he will have a satisfactory done this year against that Enemy because
of the supplies contributed by the Pope, Spain, France, and
other Princes. The Fleet which is designed from the West-Indies
is almost ready to set sail from Cadiz.
From Paris, April 14. S. N.
The Report which was raised here touching the surrender
of all Barrois to Duke Charles of Lorrain, appears now
to be nothing; for the said Duke arrived here on Saturday
last, and his followers say he had nothing but Complements
from the Cardinal, giving him good hope, provided
that France may build a Fortress near Nancy, to secure a
passage for the French upon any occasion into Germany.
Cardinal Grimaldi having been highly treated at Court,
is going to Rome; and its said, that he is to make propositions
to the Pope on the behalf of his Majesty, viz. That
France may buy Avignon out of the hands of the Pope for a
sum of Money, or else that his Majesty may have it by way
of Exchange for other Lands, This is to be propounded
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