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Mercurius politicus, Number 615, 5th-12th April 1660 E.182[28]

by the said Cardinal; and if the propositions take, then an
Ambassadour will be sent hence to compleat the bargain.
From Bayonne we have News, That the Duke of Valentinois
hath married the Daughter of Marshal deGrammont.
From the Emperours Court we have letters which say,
That the Ambassadors of Mentz and Colen have had Audience
of his Imperial Majesty, who seems to give them
good words, as he hath done to Monsieur Colbert, who was
sent from hence on the behalf of his Majesty of France; nevertheless
his actions shew the Contrary, for he sends more
Ammunition, provisions of War, and Moneys into Pomerania.
Also, that the Assembly of the Deputies at Ratisbon,
which was erected by the Emperour on purpose to
confront the Assembly of Deputies at Franckfort, perceiving
they cannot effect their Design, have written to the Electoral
Colledge, and the other Princes, to desire them that
they will be pleased to make application to the Emperour
for the obtaining of a new Imperial Diet.
The Court of France being upon their Journey towards
the Frontier, we have no Account brought from them this
week to this City. When they are fixed in any place, we
expect to hear from them.
Whitehall, Wednesday, April 11.
This day came force a Remonstrance, and address of the
Army of England, Scotland, and Ireland, to the Lord General
Monck, presented to his Excellency the 9th. Of April, 1660.
By Collonel Charles Lord Howard, Accompanied by about
fourty of the most eminent Officers of the Armies of England,
Scotland, and Ireland.
Several Elections which hath been made since the last, are as
For Tamworth, Judge Newdigate, Cap. Fox.
For Stafford, Sir Charles Wolsly, John Swinfen, Esq;
For Coventry, Major Beake, Hopkins Esq;
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