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Mercurius politicus, Number 615, 5th-12th April 1660 E.182[28]

For Weymouth, General Mountague, General Penn.
For Portsmouth, Col. Richard Norton, Henry Whitebead
For Marlborough, Jeffry Daniel Esq; Giles Hungerford
Tower of London April. 11. 1660.
Colonel John Lambert being committed a Prisoner to this
place by Order of the Council of State, this last night broke
Prison and made his Escape, after what manner is uncertain;
which the Council being Informed of, Imediately put forth a
Proclamation, which is as followeth;
By the Council of State.
WHereas Collonel John Lambert was, in Order to the
Publique Safety and for Reasons of High Concernment
to the Peace of the Nation, committed Prisoner to the
Comer of London, and there continued under Restraint by
Order of the Late Parliament: And whereas the Council
of State is Informed, That the said Colonel John Lambert
hath broke Prison, and made his Escape out of the Tower.
The council do hereby Charge, and Require the said Colonel
John Lambert, at his uttermost Peril, to Render himself to the
Council at Whitehall, within twenty four hours after the Publishing
of this Proclamation; And they do strictly prohibit all
and every Person and Persons from Barbouting, Sheltering,
or in any kind Concealing of the said Colonel John Lambert
upon such pains and penalties as the said Colonel John Lambert
is himself lyable to, for the high crimes where of he stands
guilty. And the Council do hereby declare. That whosoever
shall discover, and bring into them the said Colonel John Lambert,
shall have One Hundred pounds given him as a gratuity,
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