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Mercurius politicus, Number 615, 5th-12th April 1660 E.182[28]

and reward for such his service. And all Officers Civil and Military
are required to give their best Assistance to any person that
shall make discovery of the said Colonel John Lambert, for
the securing and bringing of him in safe [unr] to the Council.
William Jessop
Clerk of the Council.
Wednesday, April. 11. 1660.
At the Council of State at Whitehall.
ORdred, That the Proclamation concerning the Lord Lamberts
Escape out of the Tower, be forthwith Proclaimed in the
usual places, in and about the City of London and Westminster;
and the Lord Mayer of London is desired to take order, for the
doing of it accordingly, in the City of London.
William Jessop,
Clerk of the Council
More Elections.
For Redford in Nottinghamshire. The Right Honourable
Wentworth, Earl of Kildare, and Sir Hickman.
For Dartmouth, Alderman Fredrick, and Justice-Hale.
For Plymouth, Serjeant Maynard, the other for that Town
is under controversie.
For Bedwin, Sir Walter St. John, Sir Ralph Varney.
For Devizes, William Lewis Esq; is one, the other is yet
in dispute between Mr. Norden, and the Recorder there.
For Lurgalshal, Mr. William Thomas------
For Guilford, Sir Richard Onslow, and Arthur Onslow Esq;
Hampshire Election is to be on munday next.
For Scarborough, Luke Robinson Esq;
For Southwark, Alderman Langham, Bludworth
This afternoon four foot Companies by order from his Excellencie,
marched into the Tower.
London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, living in Thomas-street,
over against Baynards Castle. 1660.

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