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Mercurius politicus, Number 348, 5th-12th February 1657 E.195[11]

them unarmed. Col. Bullers Lieut. Col. Was out, and did
light on some of them, routed them, and took several things
from them, and I have been out, and fell upon Senior de
Camp, and drave him and his Crew into the Woods in their
shirts, and nothing else upon them. It it had not been for two
Negro women, I had taken him and his Major, and others
with them in their beds; but we got all his riches and clothes,
brake all his Lances, Pikes, and Musqurs, and Fire-locks,
to a good number. We took three Jars of Powder that had
been sent them from Cuba. We made a fire of all, and another
place we burnt; and then hearing neither of Enemy nor
houses more, we returned and sold all the Plate and Jewels
we took; and gave each Officer and Souldier of Horse and
Foot six days pay per man, with which the whole party was
much satisfied. Several things were imbesiled and hid by some:
Captain Mercer hath been out since, but they heard of his
coming and departed, whereupon he burnt their Huts, and
destroyed all their Plantations.
We have taken a smal Vessel of theirs that tells ns there is
a Boat come for Senior de Campo, and his Crew and how
that now all the Spaniards are gone off, and that they almost
all of them die that go off, as soon as they arrive at Cuba; and
how that there is a great sickness among them, and that they
have not heard from Spain this Twelvemonth.
The Governor of Mevis, with his people, who comes
hither to plant, is to settle at Portmorant, to the wind ward
of us.
From Paris February 8. S.N.
Our letters from Legorn say, that the Moscovites Ambassadors
at Florence, are upon their way for Venice, and perhaps
they are by this time there arrived. The matter of
their Negotiation is to communicatt to the Venetian Senate,
the Intention of their Lord the great Duke of Masco, to war
against the Turk, and upon that account to propound an alliance
with that Republick, with some Overtures for the carrying
on of the war; for the Moscovites alone could never do
any great matter against the Turks. Three severall times
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