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Mercurius politicus, Number 348, 5th-12th February 1657 E.195[11]

From Constantinople 25 Decem.
After the Persian Embassador was imprisoned, presently
after his head was severed from his body, which is the onely
cause, that wee must be sure of war betwixt us and the Persian.
The great Prince hath viewed some galleys, at
which the workmen are very eager, and be they pressed on
never so much, yet it seems to be impossible that they should
be made ready in such short time. It is seen and perceived, that
the great Prince abandoneth the Sea affairs, and imployeth
his study for the land Forces, which appears by some order
of his, he gave to the Militia, to make ready for a march;
above 30000. soldiers were instantly ready and came neare
unto this City, and are to be enquartred about Andrinopolie,
to take their Winter quarters there, the rest are to go to Bossine
to take their quarters in the City Seraglio.
From Vienna 18 Jan.
The leavying of Soldiers is eagerly continued, preparations
are made to get into the field betimer. The Spanish Embassador
hath received more monies for to continue his leavies
of men, taketh all into service what will serve. Here is arived
againe a Poland Embassador; they say that he comes to redeem
the two Principalities Oppolen and Ratibor. Tomorrow
the Hungarian Chancelor goeth as Embassador to the
Transylvaian Prince Ragotzi, carrying along most precious
Persents; hee is to diswade that Prince from his engaging against
Poland. From Hungaria we have news, that betwixt
Pest and Oven the Turks body very much; but to what end,
is not known. They talk here of another Dyer.
From Dantzick 24. January.
The Holland Ambassadors are gone to Marienburg where
the King of Sweden and the Prince Elector of Brandenburg
now are, the Electoris indeed inclined unto Peace, but not the
King of Sweden: the Polnish King is much inclined unto
peace, but the Polonian Clergie is of another minde, who labour
to involve other Romish Princes into that warr, and
chisly the Emperor. For they are perswaded that if Sweden
should continue to be master in Prussia, Poland shall not be in
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