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Mercurius politicus, Number 348, 5th-12th February 1657 E.195[11]

quietnesse. The old Fieldmarshall of the Polanders named
Monnay, of 70 years of age, is gone higher into the Country
of Poland with the most of the Polnish horse, leaving the rest
to be ordered and Governed by Czamecky, they say, that he
hath written to our King that he defeated 2000 Swedish, and
took from them 17 Cornets, and that he lyeth now before
Bramberg. The King of Sweden hath drawn the Forces that
lay in Gabien and Warder, together, to make the stronger opposition
against Czarnecky. The Swedish put the City Riga
to great hard ship, consuming all what they have. The Samoites
and the Polnish Field-marshall are come near Riga; what
their intent is, time will shew.
From St Quintin 3 Feb.
They write that the Deputies, appointed to Negotiate in
the cause concerning Monsieur de Chenaille, having finished
that processe, thereupon the Parliament was met to deliberate
upon it: First the interrogatories of the Lord de Pre Chenaille
& of others were read, then there were read other writings of
the said Chenaille, among the rest was this produced, which
was directed to the President Viole, to this effect: That he was
upon agreat business for the good of the Prince, who endeavoureth
for a place of greater consequence then Peronne, to
fall into the Hant, in which he could maintain 10000 men, and
with them he could make anivasion into France, at his pleasure.
After some other insertions he wrote thus: He declared
unto him, that the City, St Quintin, by the help of Monsieur
de Legniers Governor of the same, who is disconted much
with the Court, might be gained, if the Prince would draw him
unto his Party. And if the Prince could not prevaile this way,
then he made no doubt, but he would effect the work of two
Captaines of the Garrison. At last after a great discourse he
closeth and inviteth the Lord Viole, to advise him in the business.
Eight such missives were found, written by his own
hand, which It is thought will prove his ruine.
Westminster, Thursday, February 3.
The House after reading a private Bill, and hearing a Report form
a Committee, made severall Orders for reviving some publique Committees
that for want of attendance had bin discontinued.
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