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Mercurius politicus, Number 348, 5th-12th February 1657 E.195[11]

into Prussia, plundering and burning down many places: And
General Douglas and the Brandenburgish forces put all so the
sword and burnt down may places in Mazuren. The King of
Sweden and Prince Elector of Brandenberg are gone to Marienberg.
The Treatie betwixt Poland and Moscovie is sufficiently
concluded of, upon condition, that all which the Moscovices
hold in Lithuania shall be restored to Poland, and that the Moscovian
Prince is assigned to succeed in the Crown of Poland.
Denmark intends shortly to make warr against the Swedes.
From Rome 6. Jan.
All a chitects are summoned to appear in the Palace to
advise together about the contriving of a new Theatre, which
the Pope intends to have builded on the place of St. Peter,
which shall serve for a new Conclave, in which the Popes
hereafter are to be chosen. The Nephews of his Holiness
must be gone hence out of the City, but some stay that are
favoured, none is to be exempted from contributing to the
Treasury of St. Peter. The plague ceaseth; all Tribunals are
forbidden to be kept; many are returned that sled by reason
of the post[unr]lence.
From Millaine 10. Jan.
The Duke of Modena hath a design upon Final, and thought
to surprise it by a stratagem, under a presence to bu it at
great sums of money of the Spaniards, he intended to bring
in som Offices but the Plot it discovered, the chiefest taken,
now the said Duke intends to get the place by force, the Spanish
make opposition as much as they can.
At Genoa, the plagns is decreased. They say that some design
is a against Spain. Count de Bourgia, Commander of the
Spanish Horse Is to go to Madrid, to mary a Spanish Lady,
thereby he will become a Peer of the Kingdom; the Lady
hath a great and rich Fortune The Catholick King desireth
him not to go out of the Land homeward before Valentia be
recovered, and then he shall have leave to come to Madrid to
compleat his Nuptials.
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