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Mercurius politicus, Number 348, 5th-12th February 1657 E.195[11]

From Calris 2 Febr.
Last week our Livetenant Governor intended to go a huneing,
the Governor at Greveling had notice gieven him of it,
commanded 77. Troopers to lay waite for him: but this our
Governor heard of it, commanded forth 85 troopers, to
entrapp the troopers of Greveling, which was don successfully,
and these 75 troopers were brought in prisoners.
If any one hath found a smal Canvas Bag full of Paper Writings, that was
last 5. Decemb. 1656. let them bring word to the little Flower-de-luce in Petter
lane, or to the Cloth-dressers next door to the said sign, he shall be well rewarded
for his pains.
The Printers Advertisement of Books newly published.
The Preachers Tripartite, in Three Books. 1. To raise Devotion in
Divine Meditati ns upon Psalm 25. 2 to administer Comfort by Conference
with the Soul in particular Cases of conscience. 3 To establish Truth and Peace,
in several Sermons against the present Heresies and Schisms: By R: Mossom
Preacher of Gods Word late at St Peters Pauls-wharf London. Sold in St Pauls
Church-yard, at the sign of the Bible on Ludgate-hill, In Fleet-street, and in
There is extant a new Arithmetick in Three parts, 1. Teaching the Art thereof
in whole Numbers and Fractions. 2. In Decimals. 3. By instruments, in a new
way not hitherto practised by any: Composed by 4. Leybourne. Sold by Geo-Swabridge
at the Bible on Ludgate. bill.
Reports in the Court of Exchequer. Beginning in the third, and ending in
the ninth year of the Reign of the late King Jame. By the Honorable Richard
Lane, late of the Middle Temple, an eminent Prosessor of the Law, sometime
Atturney General to the late Prince Chalres. Being the first Collections in that
Court hitherro extent. Sold by IV. Lee, D. Pakeman, and G.Bedell, at their shops
In Fleet-street.
An History of the wonderful things of Nature; set forth in ten several Classes,
viz. 1. The wonders of the Heavers. 2 Of the Elemen's 3 Of Meteors 4. of
Minerals. 5 Of Plants. 6. Of Binds. 7. Of Four-foored Beasts 8. Of Insects,
and raings wanting blood. 9. Of Fishes. 10. Of man. Sold by the several
Book-seller 8 of London.
Natural Experiments, of Physick for the Poor. The first part containing, 1. Approved
Medicines for all diseases. 2. Rules for Purgirg 3. The way of making
Olys, Oyntments, Pul[unr]ses, Plaisters and Drinks, with such things onely as
are commonly known and grow in England. The second part, contains 100
several quaint Experiments of dying and colouring Wood and Ivory, of Ingrawing,
Itching and drawing, By J. Law, Dr. in Physick.
Divine Blossoms, being a prospect for Youth, and a Glass for Virgins, wherein is
plainly discovered Earths vaniry, and Heavens glory, By Fra.C.ckin. Both
sold by Edw, Farnham, entring Papes head A ley our of Cornhil.
The loving Husband, and prudent Wofe; Represented in the Persons of
St Eustachius
and Theopista, Martyrs. Sold by J. Martin, and J. Avostrye. At the Bell in
St Pauls Church yard.
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