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Mercurius politicus, Number 350, 19th-26th February 1657 E.195[12]

News form some of our Vessels of Advice which were sent to
seek our Judian Friends many weeks ago. In the Mean time,
the English Ships have endured many a sharp storme, and been
ever and anon blown off, and dispersed; but they soon come
on again, and we hear not of any of them that have been
wreck all this winter, but bele[unr]v they have been shaken, and
had much of their Tackle spoiled. Our men are forward to
go out, but it is advised we should avoid the English at first,
and not engage them, till we have first brought home our
Treasure; for, if that should faile this time, it would utterly
undo our Trading, and bring very great necessities upon this
From the Emperors Court at Vienn[unr],
Feb. 8. Stilo Novo.
The Emperor having ordered the Chancelor of Hungarie
to go into Transylvania to prince Ragozi, to complement him
and know his intentions, he is now returned hither again, having
received intelligence as he was upon his way, that the said
Prince was upon his march with 20000. men towards Poland,
30. pieces of Ordnance, and a great number of wagons with
all manner of Provisions and Ammunition, and hath left the
Princess, his mother, to be Regent, to look to the defence
of his Estates during his absence. This is the Language of
severall Letters, but yet other there are which speak otherwise,
but doubtless the Transylvanian Prince is coming on, if not in
Poland already, because his Ambassador here affirms it, who
is sent hither on purpose to remove all Jealousies from the
Emperor, by making his majesty acquainted with the grounds
and Reasons of his undertaking: and by giving assurance, that
there is no designe[unr] of falling in upon any of the Imperiall
Dominions. The Addresses of this Ambassador have been
very acceptable, and having received his dispatches, he is
shortly to returne.
In the mean time, his Imperiall Majesty goeth on with his
Levies, especially those that are intended for the assistance of
Spain, about which the Spanish Ambassador hath made an
Agreement with General Lamboy, touching their Pay and the
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