Sign in
Mercurius politicus, Number 350, 19th-26th February 1657 E.195[12]

other Concernments. Those who were sent hence into Moscovies
are returned, confirming the News of the Concluding of
the Treaty between the great Duke and the Crown of Poland;
only, the Deputies of both Parties, who are at Vilna have not
yet signed the Treaty, because the grand Articles are first to
be considered in the general D[unr]et of the Estates of Poland, because
they seem somwhat disadvantageous to the Polish side.
From the Sessions in the Old B[unr]ly 18. Feb.
That which was most remarkable there were Six Men and One Woman
received Judgement, namely, David Adams, John Underhill,
Thomas Bedford, Nathaniel Holbex, John Hastings, all five for robberies
upon the High-way, the last of which was an old Theef, formerly
pardoned for peaching; John Rigby for a peece of Ribbon out of a
shop, but formerly burnt in the hand, Mary Morris for Murthering her
bastard childe.
George Throgmorton, Gent. William Morgan, Mary Raven, all
three Called to their former Judgments.
There were Nine branded in the hand, six for Felony, and three men
for Manslaughter, whereof one a Carman for killing an old woman.
Arthur Stanhop a notorious Cheat, who formerly stood in the
Pillory for counterfeiting the Earl of Warwicks hand, was for the
like offence committed, and in the time of his restraint he counterfeited
the Lord Mayors hand and seal for his discharge, but it was discovered,
for which offence he will be severely punished.
From Bremen February 5.
On Tuesday last there arrived Prince Adolphus, Brother to
the King of Sweden, who was received by our Megistrates
with extraordinary. Demonstrations of honor, a Troop of the
chief [unr]zens on hosback being commanded out to attend
him a[unr] Entrance. The rest of the Inhabitants were all in
arms, and all the Soldiery, and as he ent[unr]ed, the great guns
plaid O[unr] an houre round the City. This Prince was treated here
from the day of his Arival, till Friday after in the evening at
the publick charge of the City, during which time he was employed
in visiting the Magazines and Forresses round about
this place, and having received a noble Present, he departed at
the like honor as he entred, being reconducted by the same
persons on horsback.
All the horse that are quartered hereabout (it was thought)
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