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Mercurius politicus, Number 350, 19th-26th February 1657 E.195[12]

the Conclusion whereof (it's thought) will be suspended untill
they see the issue of the Treaty appointed, between them and
the Swedes at Odenses before the finishing of which they
will nor can probably take no fixed resolution. If the said
Treaty succeed well, and that they can find away to make a
League offensive and defensive, which its said, both parties
purpose to endeavour, and have great hopes to effect,) the
Danes may they have a fair oportunity to employ their forces
against their citty, and perhaps be able to force, if not the pretended
homage, yet at least a vast sum of money from them.
But if the said Treaty be dissolved re infects; its probable they
will make use of their advantage (if they shall find or beleeve
to have any against the Swedes, by re[unr]son of their present distraction
and occupation another way) to revenge the injury
they pretend to have sufferd by their armes some yeares ago.
From Dan[unr]zig they confirme Generall Czarnetzkies unexpected
coming on there with 500 horse having left his Armie,
(consisting according to their compute of 10 or 12000 men)
about Dir chaw, and brought 13 of the Elector of Brandenburghs
Coulors which he saith to have taken form a partie
of his of 1500 men, whom disputing his passage for Dantzig
he total[unr]y [unr]efected to the said City; & Presented the same
to the King. Why having commanded them to be hung up
for a Triumph in the Catholick Churches, departed with the
said Cz[unr]rnetzky from Dantzig the 30 of the last month with
great Pompe, (all the Citizens being in Armes) and conveying
him out with beating of Drummes, sounding of Trumpetts,
and divers times fiting of all the Gunnes found about the
walles. What course they with the infantrie which continued
all this while at and before the said City, may have taken, is
not certainly known, some say the King is going towards
Buzerst (lying between Poland and Littaw) to convocate a
Parliament there for the confirmation of his in a manner concluded
Treaty with Moscaw. But the Swedes say the great
Duke utterly denies that there was [unr]ny thing but an armistitium
concluded betwixt them, which he now presents to take
up, and to joyne himself in their confederacie with Ragotzy
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